Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just some fun pictures from spring!

Spring has been a very busy time of year in our household. I am finishing my first semester of NP clinicals and the kids are busy doing everything that keeps them busy! Here are a few pictures!!

Claire and her softball

Claire's team is having an awesome season this year in softball. Claire has amazed me with her skills! She has even hit a homerun! There was one very special game that I captured on camera where Claire was the catcher and her dad was the umpire. Oh how I love them both :)

Another earthday run!

I had a fantastic time, even with the wind and the rain, running in the Earthday half marathon. While I didn't have time to train for the full half marathon this year, I completed the relay run with a friend of mine. It was fun running the first half of the run with my sister too. It was a great way to spend the day!!