Sunday, September 27, 2009

A birthday weekend for Mom

This will come as no surprise to most adults, but birthdays do not have the same excitement now (in my 30's) as they did when I was younger. This year, my family made my birthday a surprise and memorable. Brett surprised me with a night away in Duluth without kids! What a wonderful surprise to be able to sit and talk with my husband over dinner without any interruptions. We took long strolls down to the piers without worrying about a curfew and when the babysitter needed to be home. Claire, Charlie and Greta had a wonderful night at their Aunt Jennifer's and Uncle Gerry's house. They feed animals, picked veggies in the garden and just ran free for hours! Greta befriended a wounded chicken whom she carried around with her everywhere; definitely something she would not get to do at our house! Claire loves all the animals and just loves being "up north" while Charlie loves keeping up with his 16year old cousins Kevin and Jake.
It was a wonderful weekend, thank you Brett, Claire, Charlie and Greta. I love you all!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Watch our world, here comes Claire!

I enjoyed another exciting weekend at Camp Lake Hubert Girl Scout camp with Claire this year. There is always plenty of fun activities (and lack of sleep). Claire had fun tie dying t_shirts, holding reptiles, and learning how to shoot a rifle with real bullets! I was brave and learned how to shoot a rifle too! It was kind of fun and Claire turned out to be an expert marksman! I think Grandpa may need to reconsider letting a female into the Kelm hunting world, Claire is a natural!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

Charlie has been eagerly awaiting the first day of preschool. It was time to use his new backpack and new school shoes. I am so happy he loves school, but sad to see that my little guy is growing up right before my eyes. He no longer clings to the security of his mom, he runs to the excitement of trying something new. I am proud of him but miss my little guy. He constantly reassures me that he will still cuddle with me "even when I get big". What can I say, he will always be a momma's boy. We love him so much. He loves all of the fun at school, I hope it lasts when he gets older!