Our family enjoyed many of the Earth Day festivities in St. Cloud. The kids ran the 1k, smiling all the time. Charlie insists that he received his medal because he was "1st".
I ran the 1/2 marathon for the first time, yes folks, that is 13.1 miles. I wasn't sure how the run would go fo me, so I went into it with few expectations except to have fun. I had so much fun seeing my family and friends along the race route, I was handing out "high fives" left and right. I enjoyed running with both my sister (not for long, she was miss little speedy) and my friend Bethany (talked me into the race!). My goal was to complete the race in 2:20 or less and my offical time was 2:08!! I was so happy with the results of my hard work.
The best part of the day was seeing Brett and the kids on the race route ringing bells and holding signs saying "we love mom" "you can do it". What an awesome family I have; overall it was a beautiful day to run my 1st half marathon!! It was so much fun, I just might have to do it again; maybe a full marathon next time :)
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