With Charlie, came our gift of smiles. He is our happy go lucky, nice to everyone, happy about everything child. If you need to brighten your day, come talk to Charlie. You are guaranteed a "your hair looks great" or "I love you" from Charlie. My personal favorite is when he wraps his arms around me and says "mom, I love you, did I tell you today?" Everyone would benefit from a daily dose of Charlie.
Charlie was very proud to participate in his first gymnastic show last weekend and was quick to show off his ribbon he received for participating. He was especially excited about the fact that his favorite cousin Jack likes gymnastics as much as Charlie.
Today, I had the pleasure of a parent teacher conference with Charlie's teacher Mrs. Mtowa. I was told that charlie was a great friend and very kind to all of this classmates. He is doing well with his numbers and letters. He is very proud that he can write his own name. He enjoys playing with his friends jackson and hudson but prefers to sit by Macy and Darcy during snack time. I think we have a future romeo on our hands. Mrs. Mtowa smiled as she talked about Charlie's dancing skills and how he is happy to show the class how he can bust a move. He loves to sing and is an active participant during music class. The boy can carry a tune thanks to genes from his grandpa chet and mom. Mrs. Mtowa started the conference saying, "oooh, that charlie, what would I do without that charlie in our class.." I couldn't have said it better myself!
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