Well, it has been a while since I posted on my blog but life in the Peterson Household has been a little bit busy. On January 14th, our newest addition was born, Olivier. He came very unexpectedly 6 weeks earlier than planned. What started as an overnight stay to "observe" me and redo an ultrasound, turned into an emergency c-section when Olivier decided to not cooperate on the ultrasound. It was all a blur, but thankfully I was blessed with a very competent physician and a calm husband. I think the anesthesiologist wondered why we were both so calm in the midst of the chaos, but, we knew and trusted that God had us in his hands. Thankfully, everything in the c-section, while fast, went very well.
Olivier wasn't quite ready for the world so he spent the next 10 days in the NICU, growing, eating and figuring out the breathing thing. I spent most days at the hospital with him, which made for some lonely siblings. Claire, Charlie and Greta were all so excited to meet him and because of the strict rules in the NICU, were not able to hold him until he came home on January 24th. They had several opportunities to see him through the window but nothing compared to the first time they were able to hold him.
Olivier is a very special, wonderful baby who has blessed our family. He is good natured and sweet; everyone adores him. Welcome to our family Olivier, we love you!